The children need our help - and here is the
Mbarara, Uganda
St. Patrick Boarding Primary
School will be located 6 miles
outside of Mbarara, Uganda,
the second largest city in
Uganda. The 5 acres were
purchased by Fr. Julius
Turyatoranwa who born and
raised in a village called Noozi
in Rukiga district located
southwest of Mbarara.
Many children of Uganda come from generations of poverty.
Families are often too poor to send all of their children to school for
more than a few years. Many times, only one child complete his or
her education while the others quit school to work. Fr. Julius’s two
older brothers, as well as his twin brother, sacrificed their educations
so he could attend school and eventually enter the seminary.
Most children also suffer from:
poor nutrition, often only getting one full meal a day
lack of access to clean water, and
poor housing with no electricity, some with only a dirt floor
Attending a boarding school is often reserved for only the wealthiest
families. St. Patrick Boarding Primary School would give generations
of children the chance to achieve greatness.
Here is what your money will create:
Site Plan for St. Patrick Boarding Primary School in
Isingrio District, Uganda
P.O. Box 612
Washington, IL USA 61571