So many ways to help - pick which way works for you!
Did you know: the total project cost is $2.8 million to begin construction, our goal was $400,000 in February 2019, classes began with o the classroom building completed, o the kitchen and dining hall completed, o the administration building completed, o boys latrine/shower house completed, and o gatehouse completed. we have spent a total of $620,00 to open the school we still need to raise another $150,00 in 2019 in order to finish the dorms for the current students (who are living on the second floor of the classroom building right now)

Your Estate

Bequests, or leaving money as part of your will or estate, are one of the easiest ways to give. By including language in your will or trust, you can specify a monetary gift to Building Hope in Kids - Uganda as part of your estate plan. Benefits: Receive estate tax charitable deduction Lessen the burden of taxes on your family leave a lasting legacy
Stocks & Bonds Another option to think about while planning your financing is a gift of stocks or bonds to Building Hope in Kids - Uganda. This type of gift can be done instead of giving money or it can be included in estate planning. Benefits: Avoid paying capital gains tax Receive a charitable income tax deduction Enjoy possible increased income Further our mission today!

Planned Giving

Would you like to choose where your money goes? As a 501(c)(3), future generations can benefit from your generosity. Here are some options:

Sponsor A Student

Students will begin classes in February 2019. What will sponsoring a child provide? clothing books, paper, and pencils healthy meals a place to live with clean water and electricity a quality education All of this will cost ONLY $50 a month - that is about $1.67 a day. Just the cost of a plain cup of coffee or bottle of soda at the gas station here in the US. We need sponsors NOW so Fr. Julius knows how many spots to fill in February.

Directed Donations

Here are options to direct your donations.
BHIK-U P.O. Box 612 Washington, IL USA 61571



So many ways to help - pick which way works for you!
Did you know: total project cost is $2.8 million to begin construction, our goal was $400,000 the classroom building and kitchen/dining hall are almost complete as is the administration building to begin construction of dormitories, our 2018 fundraising goal is $250,000 one brick costs $0.50 so a donation of just $20 will buy 40 bricks

Your Estate

Bequests, or leaving money as part of your will or estate, are one of the easiest ways to give. By including language in your will or trust, you can specify a monetary gift to Building Hope in Kids - Uganda as part of your estate plan. Benefits: Receive estate tax charitable deduction Lessen the burden of taxes on your family leave a lasting legacy
Stocks & Bonds Another option to think about while planning your financing is a gift of stocks or bonds to Building Hope in Kids - Uganda. This type of gift can be done instead of giving money or it can be included in estate planning. Benefits: Avoid paying capital gains tax Receive a charitable income tax deduction Enjoy possible increased income Further our mission today!

Planned Giving

Would you like to choose where your money goes? As a 501(c)(3), future generations can benefit from your generosity. Here are some options:

Sponsor A Student

Students will begin classes in February 2019.   What will your sponsorship of a child provide? clothing books, paper, and pencils healthy meals a place to live with clean water and electricity a quality education All of this will cost ONLY $50 a month - that is about $1.67 a day. Just the cost of a plain cup of coffee or bottle of soda at the gas station here in the US. We need sponsors NOW so Fr. Julius knows how many spots to fill in February.

Stock the School

We have to stock the buildings. As with teachers here, the amazing teachers that will work with these students need materials as well. Your donations will provide: desks, tables, and chairs laboratory equipment books and project supplies technology supplies posters for instruction and encouragement Click the link below to make a directed donation to help supply the new classrooms!

Directed Donations

Here are options to direct your donations.
BHIK-U P.O. Box 612 Washington, IL USA 61571